Tag Archives: parenting

Why We Lose Control and How to Prevent It

Many parents face daily challenges with anger from their children, their partner’s anger and their own anger. Read more for ways to cope in a healthy way.

“Do not teach your children never to be angry; teach them how to be angry.” ~Lyman Abbott


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Top Five Do’s & Don’t’s for Back to School

Going back to school can be an exciting and anxious time for children. There are new teachers to meet, new classrooms and sometimes new schools involved. It’s important to remember that back to school changes can take time to adjust to, just as a transition would take time for us adults to adjust to. Think about your last career or life change, it usually takes some time to get in the routine. See below for a short checklist of the Top Five Do’s & Don’t’s for Back to School.  […]

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Communicating with your Teen

“As parents, our need is to be needed; as teenagers their need is not to need us. This conflict is real; we experience it daily as we help those we love become independent of us.” – Dr. Haim G. Ginott

The teen years are a delicate time of establishing independence from parents. If you are a parent of a teen, you’ve likely experienced communication challenges at one time or another. Keep reading for some simple steps to improve communication with your teen.

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Using Massage and Healthy Touch with your Child

Healthy touch and massage provides an avenue for meeting children’s emotional needs,strengthening attachment, and improving brain regulation. One of the ways the lower brain develops is through touch used in patterned, repetitive, rhythmic ways. […]

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Connecting Discipline vs. Distancing Discipline

Discipline can be extremely frustrating and sometimes it seems like nothing works. Thinking of discipline as a way to connect with your child can seem like an oxymoron, but it doesn’t have to be. As a parent, you can discipline your child while maintaining a positive connection rather than creating distance. Think about it …  […]

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Simple Limit-Setting with your Child

There are many ways to set limits with your child with little effort. One simple way to set limits with your child (or anyone in your life for that matter) is A.C.T.

A: Acknowledge the feeling

C: Communicate the limit

T: Target Choices […]

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Building your Child’s Self-Esteem with Descriptive Praise

Evaluative Praise vs. Descriptive Praise

Many parents with good intentions use evaluative praise with their children without recognizing it. Many of our own parents used evaluative praise with us as children so it’s second nature to pass this along in our parenting. Of course, recognizing our children’s positive behavior is more likely to build self-esteem […]

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