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Holidays and Kids from Hard Places

The holidays can be a very special time for families and children. It is important to keep your needs as well as your child’s needs in mind during this time of year. Although a holiday gathering can be a fun experience, for kids from hard places and “sensory” kids, it can also be over-stimulating and stressful. Read more for tips on keeping the holidays enjoyable.  […]

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Developmental Risk Factors

Unfortunately, there are many children who experience one or more developmental risk factors during their early years. This blog will outline the “Six Developmental Risk Factors” by Dr. Karyn Purvis of Texas Christian University. […]

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Children from Hard Places in the Classroom

The classroom can be both a challenging and fun place for “children from hard places.” From the array of colors on the walls, to the sounds of children talking and playing, to the scents of dry erase markers and the bumps of little bodies excitedly moving around the classroom, the classroom is a full sensory experience. There are many ways to support learning in children who have struggles in the classroom, read more below.  […]

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Using Massage and Healthy Touch with your Child

Healthy touch and massage provides an avenue for meeting children’s emotional needs,strengthening attachment, and improving brain regulation. One of the ways the lower brain develops is through touch used in patterned, repetitive, rhythmic ways. […]

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Connecting Discipline vs. Distancing Discipline

Discipline can be extremely frustrating and sometimes it seems like nothing works. Thinking of discipline as a way to connect with your child can seem like an oxymoron, but it doesn’t have to be. As a parent, you can discipline your child while maintaining a positive connection rather than creating distance. Think about it …  […]

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Could My Child Have Sensory Processing Problems?

Does your child have a fit every time you are in a restaurant? Does your child have a meltdown when it’s time to visit friends or family? Do you leave the grocery store with a flailing, screaming child most weekends? Sensory integration challenges could be playing a role.  […]

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Meltdown and Tantrum Prevention Checklist

Many children struggle with emotional dysregulation due to trauma histories, sensory processing challenges and/or developmental delays which can lead to tantrums and meltdowns.

There are several ways we can support emotional regulation in our children which will lead to decreased tantrums and happier children. This checklist is your first step on the path to understanding how to support your child’s regulation.  […]

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